Selasa, 10 April 2018



Batu Lumpang  exactly in the village of Parakanmanggu Parigi, about 45 minutes drive from downtown Pangandaran tourist destination Batu Lumpang Garden demographically a rocky hill that is processed in such a way as a hill for photographed spot and there is a patilasan or relic of a tomb called Demang Jaya Yudha and under it there river flow that can be used beraktifitas body rafting.

Travel can be taken by using private vehicles or public vehicles Pangandaran Cigugur majors, natural scenery is still beautiful and clear river flow except the rainy season, and the hill is nicknamed Grand Clift offers panoramic height suitable for relaxing and taking pictures.

Towards the lower area there is a park with some saung which is the starting point and finish body rafting and after tired body rafting tourists can order impromptu liwet rice with the typical menu of the village, and rinse with water that never stop flowing from the springs in the crevices of rocks.
The park is suitable for camping and night can be filled with fishing activities or eel called "holes" which will become an interesting tourist attraction. Batu lumpang is currently managed by local residents and youth and in the future will be formed Community groups driving the tourism


Pangandaran Shark Rock Beach may be its Tanah Lot in West Java. This beach really has been famous for a long time. Yes, not just sure Pananjung Pangandaran beach, Batu Karas Beach & Coral Nini. They are the most beautiful beaches in West Java are very very famous. Why is it called the Batu Shark Beach? Lightly predictable. Because it has one rock (rock) which resembles a shark.

This beach is in Kab Pangandaran (formerly Ciamis). From the city is approximately 14 kilometers to the south. Precisely in the Village Ciliang District Parigi. Going to Batu Pangandaran Beach Shark Tourism is not too difficult. The benchmark is Pangandaran. After in Pangandaran, just follow the directions.

For those who use public transportation, from Pangandaran terminal can use rural transportation route Cijulang. It used to come down in front of Batu Shark's marked beach road. After that takes the foot or ride a motorcycle taxi about 2 pounds distance.
 Privileged Batu Shark Coast Tour is a beautiful panorama of nature. so naturally when this beach is also mentioned as Tanah Lot of West Java.

To enjoy the scenery, we must climb up a small hill. From the top of a hill covered by Pandan trees (a kind of palm tree), we can watch the blue ocean of Indonesia with the beauty of the waves that rolled white waves.
Uniquely when we will climb to the top of the hill, have to cross the "gate" of a small shaped tunnel shark's mouth. We can also play sea water next to the hill. As dusk begins to dim, the end will be presented with the appeal of the sunset on the western horizon. But unfortunately, because the waves are large, it is forbidden to swim here.


For surfing enthusiasts, Batu Karas Beach in West Java is one of the best places to visit in Indonesia. The beach is around 6 to 7-hour drive or an hour flight from Jakarta. Many people come here from other regions in Indonesia and overseas to practice their surfing skill. The sloping beach has brown sands, and I can see the magnificent Indian Ocean from here. Along the seashore, there is also a dense forest which makes the scenery even more beautiful. While relaxing under the sun shine in this beach, I can feel the calmness of nature and the urge to capture this precious moment using a camera.
Batu Karas Beach is known for its surfing spots for the beginners and professionals. This beach is a perfect choice to polish my skill up, particularly its two surfing spots, the Legok Pari and Reef Surf Break. While for the more experienced surfers, Batu Karas has the spot named Bulak Pendak with its more challenging waves. The necessities for surfing are available on the beach. They have a new surfboard, surfing shorts, sunscreen, and other necessities. As a beginner, I don't want to buy a new surfboard, so I rent one on the beach. For those who want to learn surfing from the start, there is also the trainer there. You can walk from the resort to the Batu Karas Beach and enjoy the beautiful landscape along the journey. 

Nature Park & Nature Reserve

In addition to its beautiful beaches, sunset and sun rise views, its diverse bio marine life, Pangandaran is also famous for its natural wealth. Located at the end of Pangandaran peninsula there is a place called Nature Park & ​​Nature Reserve. It is a conservation area preserved to this day. This location becomes one of the main places visited by tourists while on vacation at Pangandaran Beach. In this location we can also enjoy the beach with its white sand pearl.
There are various types of wildlife flora and fauna in the area with a total area of
​​470 hectares, but only 37 hectares of land used as a tourist park.
Formerly this Taman Wisata is agricultural land purchased by a Dutch citizen who then inaugurated into wildresevaart. Due to the diversity of flora and fauna contained in this area, then in 1961 this place was designated as the location of nature reserves.
Due to the large potential owned by this nature reserve to support Pangandaran in the pariwista sector, then in 1978 this nature reserve was used as a Taman Wisata managed by Perum Perhutani.
Some types of fauna found in the Pananjung Nature Reserve include: long-tailed monkeys, monkeys, deer, hedgehogs, mouse deer, lizard, and several bird species such as peacock, canghegar, tlungpumpuk, cipeuw, jogjog, and so on.
It is a secondary forest overgrown with various flora species, including: laban (vitex pubescens), kisegel (dillenia exelsa), merang (cratox formoreum), famous trees, barringtonia trees, and many other plants growing wild in this location. There are several natural caves like Cave Stage, Parat Cave, Lanang Cave, Mudal Well Cave, and some Japanese heritage cave.



Green canyon Pangandaran or local community call it Cukang Taneuh is located in Kertayasa Village Cijulang District Pangandaran Regency West Java.
Green canyon is a natural attraction that keeps millions of charms, racing the river flow across the rapids are quite challenging sport our heart, you will also encounter the beauty of stalactic stones. Stalaknit stones are so beautiful , down the river with our body directly swim into the water and will take you along the 3km cijulang river for track rafting body rafting.
The jpurney time from the pies to the main gets of gteen canyon tourism it self quite long enough, which is 3 km distance with travel time of about 25 to 40 minutes. Along the way wiill cros the neauty of the right or left of the river over grow with various towering green trees that are beautiful to the eye and if it’s a good day then it can see animals such as monkeys and lizard that are on the bank of the river, before finallyarriving at the waterfall palatar in around of the mouth of the cave is exotic and cool.


Jojogan derives from the word Pangjujungan which means that purpose. The first find Jogjogan is kiara nation. And balumou and cibanawati they follow bodyguard named Nyai Rengganis from mountain Arca there. And jogjogan in Parigi Pangandaran one more attractions worth developed and recommend to travelers who vacation Pangandaran name Village Cintaratu. It has the potential promosing in the field of tourism.
Jogjogan is the name attractionsthat is in the Halmet Gunung Tiga Village Cintaratu district Parigi. Located in the east village office Cintaratu and can be in travel wthin 30 minutes from Capital District Pangandaran.
Attraction consist waterfall and goa natural be a source water well as the upstream of river flowing to attractions citumang located in the village Bojong. Road acces to get there pretty good. Visitors can use motorcycle and four there you can do activities swim or body rafting or camping. There are rental facilities float and services guides that manage directly by the coral caders Village Cintaratu.

Madasari Beach

Madasari beach is the most beautiful beach in Pangandaran. However, in addition to the distance from Pangandaran also public facilities are not yet complete, but it seems this is not too problematic for tourist who are so curious about this beach. Large waves and beautiful bays complement the harmony of this beach, also with the rock in the middle of the sea that will make you chuckle in awe to reach this beach you will travel two hours from Pangandaran or one hour drive from Green Canyon.
Not difficult to get to this beach there are only some points of road damage, but that does not mean because it will be paid off by the beauty of Madasari beach. This beach also suitable for the camping arena or just enjoy the beauty with beloved people.
Oh yes to go to this beach there is no public transport through it loh, because the place and the distance is quite far, so we suggest you bring personal vehicle or merent it in Pangandaran if you want to enjoy this beach.

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